active research projects
investigación en curso
Forms of Belonging: Documentary Poetry Across the Americas

The first literary history of documentary poetry (“poesía documental”), a growing subfield in anglophone and hispanophone literatures. This project traces the emergence and circulation of documentary poetry around the Americas, contextualizing it as a response to contemporary nationalisms. I read documentary poetry as an enduring inter-American praxis, theorizing the genre as a hemispheric network of texts that together attempt to reimagine collective belonging outside of capitalist regimes of racial citizenship.
Poetry After NAFTA: North American Movement Literatures, 1994-2020

This line of investigation situates movement literatures at the forefront of transnational struggle in North America, reading literary objects alongside oral histories and print culture associated with uprisings to examine the role of poetry in anti-capitalist movements in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico after 1994. Literary production, I argue, plays a crucial role not only in “documenting” social struggles against neoliberalism, free trade, environmental degradation, and state-sanctioned violence, but also on the ground within the evolving discourse of movements themselves.
From Aztlán to "High Aztech": Nahuatl in Contemporary Latinx Literatures and Cultures

How are writers like Ernest Hogan, Sesshu Foster & Natalie Diaz engaging with Nahua cultures and languages? How have Nahuatl-influenced Latinx elders, such as Gloria Anzaldúa and Francisco Alarcón been re-read in light of contemporary critiques of Chicano nationalism? This monograph examines the literary & cultural histories of Nahuatl in the US, from Chicano Movement literatures to the YA fiction of David Bowles, tracing the circulation of Nahuatl in literary spaces, as well as in unlikely institutional contexts, such as prisons where forms of "High Aztec" serve as slang that evades guard surveillance.
lo peer-reviewed
investigación publicada
Periphērica: A Journal of Social, Cultural, and Literary History, vol. 3, no. 1, 2024, pp. 75-110. Co-authored with Paul Worley and Sarah E. Blanton.

Juan Felipe Herrera: Migrant, Activist, Poet Laureate, edited by Francisco A. Lomelí & Osiris Aníbal Gómez. University of Arizona Press, 2023.
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, advanced publication, co-authored with Valeria Meiller
traducciones dictaminadas
peer-reviewed Spanish-to-English translations
“Indigenous Women: Bodies, Territory, and Communal Life” by Aura Lolita Chávez Ixcaquic
for Am-Lit – American Literatures, co-translated with Gabriela Ramirez Chavez (forthcoming)
“Plastic: Regime of Silent Violence Rampant in Lake Atitlan” by Nancy González / Colectivo Comunidad Tz’unun Ya’
for Am-Lit – American Literatures, co-translated with Gabriela Ramirez Chavez (forthcoming)
“Wifredo Lam and The Jungle: Return of the Prodigal Son to El Monte” by Suset Sánche
El Monte’s New Itineraries: Narratives, Aesthetics, and Afrodiasporic Spirituality in the Contemporary Caribbean, edited by Alberto Sosa-Cabanas, Rutgers University Press, 2025 (forthcoming)
“El Monte in Images: Subjects, Spaces, Objects & Transcultural Interplay” by Lázara Menéndez
El Monte’s New Itineraries: Narratives, Aesthetics, and Afrodiasporic Spirituality in the Contemporary Caribbean, edited by Alberto Sosa-Cabanas, Rutgers University Press, 2025 (forthcoming)
“El Monte, There and Back Again” by Alberto Sosa-Cabanas
El Monte’s New Itineraries: Narratives, Aesthetics, and Afrodiasporic Spirituality in the Contemporary Caribbean, edited by Alberto Sosa-Cabanas, Rutgers University Press, 2025 (forthcoming)
SAPIENS Anthropology Magazine, “Indigenizing What It Means to be Human” special issue, curated by Margaret Noodin, Christine Weeber & Jason Vasser-Elong. 19 January 2023.
courses taught
un enfoque comparativo e interdisciplinario de los estudios literarios americanos
Comparative Borderlands Literatures of the Americas

Latin American & transnational Latinx Literatures
Students study 19th, 20th, and 21st century literary and visual representations of borderlands around the Americas, thinking comparatively about racialization, labor, indigeneity, gender, nationalism, militarization, diaspora, and colonialism. This course introduces students to key concepts in borderlands, transnational Latinx, and Latin American studies, encouraging students to develop the analytical tools for engaging border thinking in contexts around and beyond the globalized Americas. Possible units include the US-Mexico border, the "Northern Triangle" (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador), the Haitian-Dominican border, and the “Triple Frontier” (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay).
Translation in the 21st Century

Translation Studies & World Literature
By focusing on current debates and controversies surrounding the theory and practice of translation, this course introduces students to new and emergent literature in the fields of translation studies, critical race and ethnic studies, and world literature. Bridging literary works, critical theory, and forms of popular media, and providing an overview of historic inequities in the global literary marketplace, this course inquires critically into how women, queer, non-binary, neurodivergent, and BIPOC translators are problematizing an overwhelmingly white and U.S./Euro-centric industry and its institutions.
Contemporary Indigenous Poetry of North America

Indigenous Studies & Comparative Literature
This course is an introduction to contemporary poetry by First Nations, Native American, Pacific Islander, and Indigenous Latin American writers from across North America. “North America” here comprises three main areas: Canada and the United States and its unincorporated territories; Mexico and Central America; and the Caribbean. We discuss settler state models of reconciliation, as well as Indigenous resistance to liberal multiculturalism, inclusion, and redress. Ethics of sovereignty, autonomy, repatriation, and incommensurability are posed as alternatives.
Forms of the Struggle: U.S. Movement Literatures After 1929

Multiethnic U.S. Literatures
A movement literature, according to Juliana Spahr, is “a resistant literature with ties to political movements.” This introductory course surveys forms of cultural production associated with specific U.S. social justice movements, including novels, poems, theater, manifestos, speeches, and essays. What role has literature played in the critique of liberal democracy and in shaping the rhetoric of collective demands for equality, justice, and dignity? We’ll consider this question in light of several case studies, from the Popular Front to #Occupy.
Documentary, Investigative & Archival Poetics of the Americas

Latin American, transnational Latinx & Comparative Literature
How does poetry “intervene” in the writing of history, traditionally a narrative enterprise? This course traces modes of research-based poetry around the Americas, from the 1930s to present, examinging the diverse ways poetic form has been used to address, represent, and “un-tell” histories and historical events in North, Central, and South America. Situating each work within its particular historical and geographic context, we ask how different docu-poetic iterations theorize emerging and emergent conceptions of politics, collectivity, geo-political subjectivity, and national and global belonging.
The Modern Américan Short Story: a Comparative, Hemispheric Survey

Comparative Literature
This course will familiarize students with the nuances of close reading the short story as a literary form as well as probe and contaminate the boundaries of “American Literature.” Examining a variety of 20th century short story writers in the Americas, each week we read two authors whose work is paired to invite comparative analysis of stylistics, thematics, and politics. What constitutes American literature, and how does it seek to represent the region’s past and hail its future? How do writers transnationalize the act of writing and the writing subject?